
2014 Rules and Scoring

We’ve prepared an info pack so you can better understand the competition rules and format. A score sheet has also been uploaded.

(Please note that both these documents are draft versions and subject to change)

Below is some housekeeping notes that you will also need to be aware of:

1. You will need to finish registration on the day of the comp at 10am. This is when you will sign the waiver for the competition and pay your $20.

2. For you to compete in the competition you will need to have completed a belay test at Bayside PRIOR to the competition.

3. Belayers will NOT be provided. Your belayer may be another competitor or a non-competitor. All belayers and all competitors must complete a belay test with Bayside PRIOR to the event.

4. The $20 registration fee does NOT include gear hire. If you wish to hire gear from the venue there will be an additional charge. It is often cheaper to borrow gear from your university club.

If you have any questions please send us a message on the Contact page.